A man is riding a bicycle

Environment and climate

Hands with gloves hold brown-beige chunks

Natural resources are the basis of our business. Our primary environmental protection objectives are to 

  • protect the climate
  • preserve resources
  • reduce emissions, and
  • have the lowest possible impact on the environment at our quarry and production facilities.
  • Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

    With 400,000 tonnes of CO₂ to be captured annually and transported for permanent storage, Heidelberg Materials is realising the first industrial-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) project at a cement production facility in the world at Brevik:

  • A cement plant and a cherry blossom tree

    Energy and Climate Protection

    Sustainability is an integral part of Heidelberg Materials and will be at the center of our strategy going forward.

  • Humidification, Slite, Sweden

    Local Environmental Impacts

    We monitor emissions of air pollutants on an ongoing basis. By using new filter technologies and innovative production processes, we reduce pollutants and thus mitigate the impact of our activities on the environment and neighbouring communities.

  • Renaturated quarry Burglengenfeld, Germany

    Biodiversity and Land Use

    Our sites are operated in accordance with relevant international, national and local environmental legislation, with environmental impact assessments prepared generally as a pre-requisite for the permitting of quarrying activities.

  • Two skaters in a concrete skate park, one jumping, the other holding his board. The sea and a seagull can be seen in the background.

    Sustainable Products and Sustainable Construction

    Heidelberg Materials is dedicated to creating environmentally friendly and socially responsible products that are of the highest quality. Their research and development work focuses on creating innovative products that will increase customer satisfaction and benefit the company. They are also making efforts to reduce energy consumption and CO₂ emissions by improving their processes and introducing new formulations.